A software workflow for the Desktop Metal Studio System to manage part creation from digital model to sintered part

— 01
Build Generation
— 02
Slice Files for Printing
— 03
Support Generation
— 04
Job Creation, Monitoring & Management
Simplify metal 3D printing with the Desktop Metal Studio two-part solution including Live Studio software. Built from the ground up, Live Studio enables a simple and seamless workflow from digital file to sintered part. It integrates with the Studio System printer and furnace to reduce operator burden, ensure process efficiency, and automatically optimize fabrication of high-quality metal parts.
You don’t need to be an expert metallurgist or machinist to create complex metal parts. With Live Studio, all aspects of part creation - from printing through sintering - are automated. The software automatically scales your part, orients it for print and sintering success, generates separable supports, and applies expert metallurgy to optimize fabrication. Simply upload your design and follow the workflow for step-by-step guidance.
With options to meet any manufacturing facility’s needs, Live Studio Cloud is available as a secure cloud-based platform, while Live Studio Desktop is deployed on-premises.
Live Studio Cloud:
• Secure cloud environment
• Automatic updates
• Remote support
• Remote monitoring via any web browser
Live Studio Desktop:
• Secured via physical location and on-premises IT infrastructure
• Model & part data does not exist offsite
• Can be deployed as an air-gapped / dark site solution

Build Generation
Live Studio software serves as the brains of the entire Desktop Metal Studio System. It accepts a wide variety of native CAD formats and makes going from a digital model to a final sintered part extremely easy.
Drag and drop files to load parts into the software for automatic orientation, providing optimized positioning for the highest success. Live Studio analyzes your print for each production step – printing and sintering – to determine the most stable position and the orientation for the highest quality results. Users can also manually orient parts in three axes to optimize for total fabrication time, surface quality, or sintering stability, as well as scale any parts in the build box.
Live Studio features all the settings users of traditional FFF printing will recognize – shell layers, infill settings, and various support settings. Default print settings were developed by Desktop Metal to promote out-of-the-box success and allow users to get printing fast. Advanced users can adjust parameters for specific part geometries and to tailor builds to specific qualities, like strength through denser print profiles, for example.

Imported models are sliced and turned into a 3D printing file optimized for the Studio System.
Users can view an interactive toolpath preview to validate the part’s internal structure and inspect it layer-by-layer with options to view individual properties such as infill or support.

Support Generation
Integrated with intelligence from world-leading material scientists and 3D printing professionals, Live Studio applies expert metallurgy at every step in the process and optimizes fabrication to render high-quality metal parts.
The secure, web-based software constructs build plans from STL or CAD files and automatically generates separable supports and control parameters based on part geometry and material. Each individual part is analyzed by the software to generate a custom advanced support structure with ceramic interface layers based on its profile to enable separable supports.
Smart supports ensure more than just preventing the part from collapsing. Strategic seaming ensures supports are always easily removed without mold locking.

Job Creation, Monitoring & Management
Live Studio users can build jobs with one or more parts to be sent directly from the software to your Desktop Metal Studio printer or furnace
Once the job has been created and sent to your device, the status can be viewed from Live Studio at any time. Live Studio Cloud has the additional ability to send email notifications when job statuses change. Management functions include allowing a job to be re-sent and part statuses to be adjusted to a different step in the workflow.